Zzang: Archive – Kristin Toscano

Kristin Toscano contributed 1 poem to the September 26, 2000 edition of Zzang.


I lie there dying

Oh so slowly

Oh so slowly

The cosmic beating from every direction came upon me so fast

Oh so quick

Oh so quick

So now I lay here, beat to hell

But still the people pass by with nothing on their minds but rush hour traffic and what to make for dinner

All upon me

All at once

The sky broke above me and the ground broke below me but I neither fell nor rose

So I lay and wait for sleep in this city that never does

Spiked heels up my beaded spine

Spit-shinned wingtips crushing my limbs

“5:00 got to get home” they think

And it’s like I’m not even there and maybe I’m not

Oh so invisible

Oh so invisible







Kristin Toscano


September 26, 2000

·       I lie there…



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